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[Featured] Desmond Lee Facebook Page - Preparing preschools for Phased Reopening

Writer: News & ArticlesNews & Articles

Updated: Apr 6, 2024

We are featured on Minister of Social and Family Development, Mr. Desmond Lee's Facebook Page on 29th May 2020, Friday.

Let’s play a part in protecting our young generation, ensuring their safety and well-being! NTUC My First Skool is using our ultraviolet steriliser machine to disinfect their toys and equipment.


· 29 May 2020 ·

<< Preparing preschools for phased reopening >>

Preschools are getting ready to welcome children back from 2 June. I visited My First Skool @ Blk 491 Admiralty Link this morning and saw that they are putting in place the COVID-Safe ABC measures on Safe Access, Safe Behaviours and Safe Classroom Management. They will also be sharing Back-to-School resource kits to help the children as they return.

Ms Jas Chia, the centre’s principal, walked me through what staff and children will have to do as they arrive at preschool. It starts with ensuring Safe Access through temperature and health screening, which will also be done through the day.

In the classrooms, the staff have used stickers to mark out designated seats for the children, and how to keep safe distances when queuing to use the washroom. Safe Behaviours will be explained to the children, so that they understand why these measures are necessary. To maintain a clean environment, many preschools have also stepped up the cleaning and disinfection of premises and equipment, especially high-touch points and items. This preschool, for instance, is using a UV steriliser machine to disinfect equipment and toys daily.

To ensure Safe Classrooms, staff have worked out a schedule for the use of common facilities like the play area, so that staff and children from different classes are less likely to interact. Before I left, the principal was also preparing to meet with her team over a video conferencing platform to review their plans.

I would like to thank our preschool staff for their resilience and collective efforts to ensure that a clean and COVID-Safe environment welcomes our children from next week. During the uncertainties as the COVID-19 situation evolved, the teachers and staff have put the interests of the children first. There were difficult decisions to be made and strict processes to implement. You’ve rallied around one another to ensure children and families continued to be supported even outside the classroom, and provided Limited Service for families who needed it during the Circuit Breaker. This is a wonderful reflection of the strong community spirit, professionalism and passion of our early childhood sector.

The COVID-Safe ABCs are new habits that we must cultivate. Over the next two weeks, ECDA will partner our preschools to instil these COVID-Safe ABCs into the daily routines of staff and children.

Parents are also our important partners. You can help by reinforcing good hygiene habits at home, monitoring the health of your children and seeking medical attention promptly if they are unwell. Children should return to school only when fully recovered. We thank parents for their understanding that these are necessary measures during these exceptional times.

During the visit, the teachers shared how they have missed the children. I’m sure our preschoolers are looking forward to seeing their friends and teachers again soon. Let us continue to play our part to keep the preschool community COVID-Safe!

Had my temperature checked and hands sanitised before I was allowed to enter the preschool

MFS has developed a Back-to-School resource kit to help the children as they return

Popped into a virtual engagement the teachers were having with parents

MFS is using a UV steriliser machine to disinfect toys and equipment daily

MFS is using a UV steriliser machine to disinfect toys and equipment daily

Children will have designated spots and seats to keep a safe distance during lessons

Children will have designated spots and seats to keep a safe distance during lessons

[ Source: Desmond Lee's Facebook Page - Post on 29 May 2020 - << Preparing preschools for phased reopening >> ]


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